What happened?

My site was hacked a while back, and I apologize if you tried to view my site while it was not operating properly. A trusted IT partner and I got it back on-line, in a greatly-simplified form. You may contact me at (251) 304-9228 or jr@marketingmercenary.net.
The most important place for learning more about my skills & services, is the ABOUT page. Tap the menu button, or just tap RIGHT HERE.
Unfortunately, some of my articles were lost. I will eventually bring back some classic “evergreen” blog posts. My apologies if this causes you any inconvenience.
You can also find me easily on Facebook.
If you are looking for my Real Estate Photography (I hope you are), please hurry over to http://www.facebook.com/ShootMyListings/ to see examples or to message me there.
Please see the “About“ page for more about me and the services you can gain from a relationship with the Marketing Mercenary.